The Medina Township Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Purpose: Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting
Present: Shawn Garner, Supervisor
Mike Molohon, Trustee
Cam Parr, Trustee
Cindy Greene, Trustee
Luke Harvey, Trustee
Mary Sundermeyer, Clerk
Other Officials and Township Staff Present:
Frank Sturm II, Road Commissioner
Mark Brabant, Assessor
Deputy Ben Davison
Others In Attendance: 0 residents
Call To Order: Supervisor Garner called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm
Approval of Minutes: Mary presented the minutes from the minutes from the Road District Levy meeting from November13, 2024. Cindy made a motion to approve the minutes, Mike seconded. The minutes were approved by a unanimous voice vote.
Mary presented the minutes from the Township Levy meeting from November 13, 2024. Cindy made a motion to approve the minutes, Mike seconded. The minutes were approved by a unanimous voice vote.
Mary presented the minutes from November 13, 2024. Cindy made a motion to approve the minutes, Mike seconded. The minutes were approved by a unanimous voice vote.
Community Policing Report: Ben gave the report for November 2024. There were 54 reports made involving 30 reports of crimes (17 original crimes). There were also 20 traffic stops made in the township. Please have your chimney cleaned every year to prevent fires. Also, car thefts increase when people leave their cars running in the driveway in order to warm them up. He has been watching the cars traveling through Lake of the Woods subdivision and most are not going over the limit or if they do, it is by 4-5 miles per hour.
Public Input: None
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Department Correspondence:
Supervisor Shawn Garner:
- Investment Report: The report ending on December 11, 2024, was previously presented to the board.
- There are no General Assistance cases pending. The caseworker for these is resigning and we will need to find someone who can provide this service on a contract basis for Medina.
- There are no cases before the Plan Commission.
- We have requested market value appraisal on the new lot for the future township building. We will use the Neff Valuation Group.
Road Commissioner: Frank Sturm
- They finished leaf collection. The rain makes the leaves heavy and slows the collection. It delayed them by one day.
- They are getting the snow trucks ready for the winter season.
Assessor: Mark Brabant has received 14 challenges to individual assessments and has denied all but one of them. Most did not have any comparable home sales data to support their claim.
Plan Commission: No report
Trustees: Mike reports that a homeowner on Fairview is dumping their sanitary waste into a township drain for runoff. Also, a fence at the back of a home on Hendrix Lane has encroached on township property and needs to be moved.
Township/Road District Bills: Mike made a motion to pay the bills of the township. Cam seconded. The motion passed by a unanimous voice vote.
Adjournment: Mike made a motion to adjourn, and Cindy seconded it. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:23 pm.
Respectfully submitted on this 11th day of December 2024,
Mary Sundermeyer
Township Clerk