The Medina Township Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Purpose:  Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting

Present:  Shawn Garner, Supervisor

Cam Parr, Trustee

Mike Molohon, Trustee 

Cindy Greene, Trustee 

Luke Harvey, Trustee 

Mary Sundermeyer, Clerk  


Other Officials and Township Staff Present:  

Frank Sturm II, Road Commissioner

Ben Davison, Deputy

Others In Attendance:  0 residents

Call To Order:  Supervisor Garner called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm

Approval of Minutes:  Mary presented the minutes from August 14, 2024. Shawn made a motion to approve the minutes, Cindy seconded. The minutes were approved by a unanimous voice vote.

Community Policing Report:  Deputy Davison gave the report for August 2024. There were 60 reports made involving 26 reports of crimes (14 original crimes).  There were also 18 traffic stops made in the township. The Deputy has been working on speed enforcement. Please remember to lock your cars and homes.

Public Input:  None 

Old Business:  None

New Business:

The board discussed the need to have a Special Town Meeting to get the electors’ approval to transfer a parcel of surplus land from the Medina Road District to the Medina Township. Shawn made a motion to hold the meeting on Wednesday, October 23 at 6 pm at the Township office. Cam seconded. The motion was approved by a unanimous voice vote. This meeting will be publicized in the newspaper and in the township.

Department Correspondence:

Supervisor Shawn Garner:  

  1. Investment Report:  the report ending on September 11, 2024, was previously presented to the board.
  2. There are no General Assistance cases pending. 
  3. Shawn presented information on new chairs for the township office for $175 each.
  4. The materials for the new fence for the ballpark have been delivered. Shawn will enlist some volunteers to help him install the fencing.

Road Commissioner:  Frank Sturm

  1. Frank bought a new computer for the Road District. 
  2. The miscellaneous concrete repair project work is almost completed.
  3. The asphalt work is scheduled for this week.
  4. They rented a boom mower for this week.
  5. Good Forest can only take about half of the leaves we collect in a season in the township. The rest must be hauled away. Good Forest will do this if we pay for the haul off. Last year, it was $10,000. It should not be as much this year.

Assessor:  None

Plan Commission:   None

Trustees:  None

Township/Road District Bills:  

Mike made a motion to pay the bills of the township.  Cindy seconded.  The motion passed by a unanimous voice vote.


Mike made a motion to adjourn, and Cam seconded it. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:21 pm.

Respectfully submitted this 11th day of September 2024,

Mary Sundermeyer

Township Clerk