The Medina Township Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Purpose: Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting
Present: Shawn Garner, Supervisor
Cam Parr, Trustee
Mike Molohon, Trustee
Luke Harvey, Trustee
Mary Sundermeyer, Clerk
Absent: Cindy Greene, Trustee
Other Officials and Township Staff Present:
Frank Sturm II, Road Commissioner
Deputy Ben Davison
Others In Attendance: 2 residents
Call To Order: Supervisor Garner called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm
Approval of Minutes: Clerk Sundermeyer presented the minutes from the regular board meeting held on October 11, 2023. Shawn Garner made a motion to approve the minutes. Luke Harvey seconded. The minutes were approved by a unanimous voice vote.
Community Policing Report:
Deputy Ben Davison gave the report for October 2023. There were 56 reports made involving 28 reports of crimes (17 original crimes). There were also 25 traffic stops made. As the weather gets colder, please watch your car if you are heating it up before leaving. There is no county ordinance preventing door to door sales however, you can report suspicious persons to the sheriff. Solicitors should not be selling after dark.
Public Input: None
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Department Correspondence:
Supervisor Shawn Garner:
- Investment Report: the report ending on November 8 was previously presented to the board.
- There are no General Assistance cases.
- There is one case before the Plan Commission
- Shawn is working with landowners to add to the Medina Trail. The land is expected to cost at least $7000/acre.
Road Commissioner: Frank Sturm
- Leaf pick up began last week. It was quick since the leaves were dry and not all the leaves have dropped yet. Good Forest lets us drop off the collected leaves with them for free, but they are running out of room. We will need to find another alternative and may have to pay to have our leaves dropped off. One truck load contains 25 cubic yards of leaves, and we collect 130 loads per year. Good Forest only uses about half our leaves in their mulching operation, so they have several years’ worth of our leaves stored. We may have to pay between $30 and $50k to have this overage disposed.
- ICCI started the miscellaneous concrete work. They found a water valve under the road, but IL American water says it does not belong to them. A Frontier phone line was cut, and Frontier is working to restore it.
- There is a hole in one of the radiant tubes which heats the township garage. They will need a new heater and resized pipes. The garage is not insulated. One quote for this work is just under $12k.
- No update on the Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Peoria. Our attorney is going to set up a meeting with the city to discuss it.
- The State salt contract is with Cargill this year. Frank bought 500 tons at $81.48 per ton. The price last year was $81.88 per ton. We also have salt remaining from last year and will be in good shape for the winter.
Assessor: Mark Brabant – Is working on board reviews.
Plan Commission: There is one case dealing with an Air B&B on Alta Rd.
Trustees: None
Township/Road District Bills:
Mike Molohon made a motion to pay the bills of the township. Cam Parr seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a unanimous voice vote.
Mike made a motion to adjourn, and Luke seconded it. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:53 pm.
Respectfully submitted this 8th day of November 2023,
Mary Sundermeyer
Township Clerk