Minutes – Medina Township
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees met at the Medina Township Office
located at 10628 N. Galena Road, Mossville, Illinois on April 11th, 2018
Purpose: Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting
John H. Dawson, Supervisor
Shawn E. Garner, Clerk
Cam Parr, Trustee
Mike Molohon, Trustee
Richard Clinch, Trustee
Adam Gudat, Trustee
Other Officials and Township Staff Present: Frank Sturm II, Road Commissioner, Mark Brabant, Assessor.
Others In Attendance: 4 residents.
Call To Order: Supervisor Dawson followed by pledge of allegiance to the flag called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
Clerk, Garner, presented the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held March 14th, 2018. Supervisor Dawson moved to approve, as presented, seconded by Trustee Molohon; followed by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote with Trustees Clinch and Gudat abstaining.
Community Policing Report: Deputy Rial reported that it has been quiet in township other than issue with resident burning. Deputy has spoken with resident. Deputy will provide monthly crime reports on monthly basis. Bike patrol will begin at end of May or first of June.
Public Input:
Supervisor Dawson asked for public comment and received no request.
Correspondence & Reports
Supervisor, John Dawson:
- Investment Report: The Investment Report ending on April 11th, 2018 was accepted as presented by the board.
Road Commissioner, Frank Sturm, II:
- We are still repairing mailboxes.
- Nothing new with Luthy property.
- This winter was tough on our streets. We have a couple that are really in bad shape, like parts of Singing Woods Road and Ivy Lake Road.
- We have yet to receive the salt order form for 2018-2019. If we don’t receive it by the end of the month, I will call the State.
- I am working with John and Redman Accounting Services to set up “T-Sheets”. Should have everything set up in a couple of weeks.
- Many of the street name signs in Lake of the Woods, need to be replaced. Plan to set up a multi-year plan to replace the signs.
- Had 3 signs stolen on Ivy Lake Road, 2 narrow bridge and 1 reverse curve arrow. Occurred after that 6-10” snow storm a couple of weeks ago
Assessor, Mark Brabant:
EAV has not been finalized but anticipate is being reduced.
Plan Commission, Brady Miller, Chairperson:
Not present to present report.
No report.
Old Business
New Business
Update on NPDES program: Supervisor Dawson recognized Pat Meyers to provide update. We have been working with township since 2003 creating a good data basis to respond to auditors. Annual report is being finalized to submit to IEPA. Developing issue is storm water utilities being assessed by governmental bodies usually averaging $5 a month. It is anticipated that theses charges will continue.
Status on Medina email and website development:
Supervisor Dawson recognized Rich Rosetto, Bruce Bib and Aiden Rosetto with Scion Tech Solutions. We have revised the logo through a design process. Logo was displayed. We have made progress and should have product up by the end of the month to begin testing. Discussion held on enactment of e-mail policy. E-mail training presented with questions addressed.
Status on Medina Park improvements: Supervisor Dawson advised that improvements are proceeding. Anticipate building renovations should be completed by end of May. May 30th through June 2nd will be Brad Wallin Tournament, and work will need to be scheduled around.
Approving Medina to move to online time sheets for hourly employees: Supervisor Dawson presented proposal to use online time sheets and outlined process for submission and approval. Cost will be shared between township and road district. After discussing, Trustee Clinch made motion to approve use of online time sheets for hourly township employees. Motion was seconded by Trustee Parr and followed by roll call vote with Supervisor Dawson and Trustees, Parr, Gudat, Molohon, and Clinch voting aye. Motion passed unanimously. Road Commissioner asked that motion be amended to include road district employees. Trustee Clinch amended motion to include road district employees, seconded by Trustee Parr followed by unanimous “Aye” voice vote.
Pay Township Bills
Township/Road District Bills Audited: All bills of the Town and the Road District were audited and approved for payment. All bank accounts were reconciled and found to be in order. Trustee Gudat moved to pay the bills, seconded by Trustee Parr followed by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote.
Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the board, Trustee Molohon moved to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Clinch, followed by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote. The meeting adjourned at 7:58 PM.
Respectfully submitted this 11th day of April, 2018
Shawn E. Garner, Clerk