Minutes – Medina Township
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees met at the Medina Township Office
located at 10628 N. Galena Road, Mossville, Illinois on December 13th, 2017
Purpose: Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting
John H. Dawson, Supervisor
Shawn E. Garner, Clerk
Cam Parr, Trustee
Richard Clinch, Trustee
Adam Gudat, Trustee
Mike Molohon, Trustee
Other Officials and Township Staff Present: Frank Sturm II, Road Commissioner – Mandy Forbis, Office Manager – Mark Brabant, Assessor
Others In Attendance: 7 residents attended.
Call To Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Dawson followed by pledge of allegiance to the flag.
Minutes: Clerk, Garner, presented the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held November 8th, 2017. Supervisor Dawson moved to approve, as presented, seconded by Trustee Clinch; followed by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote.
Clerk, Garner, presented the minutes of the Road District Tax Levy Hearing held November 8th, 2017. Supervisor Dawson moved to approve, as presented, seconded by Trustee Molohon; followed by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote.
Clerk, Garner, presented the minutes of the Township Tax Levy Hearing held November 8th, 2017. Trustee Parr moved to approve, as presented, seconded by Trustee Gudat; followed by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote.
Community Policing Report: Deputy Rial reported that a portion of vehicle has been moved. He will follow-up on remainder of debris and camper on Moss and Scott Street. Road Commissioner will also talk with Planning and Zoning on right of way issue. Community officer is changing uniform. Resident thanked township for addressing issue at Moss and Scott
Public Input: Supervisor Dawson recognized Doris Humes who reported issues on the next street from Moss and Scott. There is a trailer creating a blind spot at the intersection and an abandoned car on the street (Farnum and Moss). Deputy will follow-up with residents.
Correspondence & Reports
Supervisor, John Dawson:
- Investment Report: The Investment Report ending on December 13th, 2017 was accepted as presented by the board.
- Getting trucks ready for snow removal.
- Will meet with John Redlingshafer and Frank Sturm on updates to personnel manual. Supervisor will present recommendation on revisions at next month’s meeting.
Road Commissioner, Frank Sturm, II:
- Leaf pickup is completed. Started a couple of days earlier this year and extended it a little more than a week. Weather cooperated this year and no early winter storms.
- John Dawson and I are meeting with attorney tomorrow to, hopefully, finalize revisions to personnel handbook.
- We are finally getting salt storage invoice paid. IDOT was very slow to approve invoice. At first, they said it was not an eligible MFT expense, but they finally agreed that it was.
- Received another complaint about camper and trailer parked at 10621 Moss Street. Plan to meet with Plan and Zoning tomorrow.
Assessor, Mark Brabant: Assessor reported 45 permits for remodels or additions and 3 new construction permits. Board of review filings have increased with 60 appeals last year and 90 this year.
Plan Commission, Brady Miller, Chairperson: Not present to present report.
Trustees: Trustee Clinch asked since sheriff departments twelve car has been discontinued is township subsidizing police service. Township may need to consider service in future. Trustee Parr extended thanks to Supervisor and Road Commissioner for leadership.
Old Business
New Business
MMYBSA Request: Supervisor Dawson recognized Josh Benway, President of MMYBSA. Josh Benway reviewed wish list for Medina Park and discussed with board. MMYBSA will prioritize list and discuss further. Supervisor will review and follow-up with MMYBSA board.
Website Development: Supervisor Dawson recognized Rich Rosetto with Scion Tech Solutions. Rich Rosetto reviewed proposal to update website addressing presentation and improving mobile experience and information architecture. He outlined proposed services and projected cost. After discussion, Trustee Parr made motion to approve development and implementation by Scion Tech Solutions of township website, seconded by Trustee Molohon. Cost approved up to as follows: Hosting – $12.50 per month, Basic Support – $12.50 per month, Website Refresh – $3,000 to $5,000, E-mail Training with tutorials – $2,000, and Contents Update – 2 hours at $50 an hour per month. A roll-call vote was taken by Clerk Garner with Supervisor Dawson and Trustees, Molohon, Gudat, Clinch and Parr voting “Aye”. The motion passed unanimously.
Pay Township Bills
Township/Road District Bills Audited: All bills of the Town and the Road District were audited and approved for payment. All bank accounts were reconciled and found to be in order. Trustee Clinch moved to pay the bills, seconded by Trustee Gudat followed by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote.
Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the board, Trustee Molohon moved to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Parr, followed by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted this 13th day of December, 2017
__________________________ Shawn E. Garner, Clerk