The Medina Township Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Purpose:  Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting

Present:  Shawn Garner, Supervisor

Mike Molohon, Trustee 

Cindy Greene, Trustee 

Cam Parr, Trustee 

Luke Harvey, Trustee 

Mary Sundermeyer, Clerk

Other Officials and Township Staff Present:  

Frank Sturm II, Road Commissioner

Deputy Ben Davison

Others In Attendance:  3 residents

Call To Order:  Supervisor Garner called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm

Approval of Minutes:  Clerk Sundermeyer presented the minutes from the regular board meeting held on February 14, 2024. Shawn Garner made a motion to approve the minutes. Luke Harvey seconded. The minutes were approved by a unanimous voice vote. 

Community Policing Report: 

Deputy Ben Davison gave the report for February 2024. There were 34 reports made involving 13 reports of crimes (9 original crimes).  There were also 14 traffic stops made in the township. Several cars were stolen from Brighton Woods, Lake of the Woods and nearby neighborhoods. This happened at 3 am. Please lock your vehicles. Also, speeding has been reported on Hickory Grove Rd. and the police will pay particular attention to that area.

Public Input: Benjamin Walenta, a student at IVC attended the board meeting to fulfill a civics class requirement. Thank you for attending, Benjamin!

Old Business:  None

New Business:  

Annual Town Meeting Agenda was discussed. Shawn amended the agenda to include the authorizing the sale of surplus road equipment. Shawn made a motion to approve the amended agenda. Cam Parr seconded. The motion was approved by a unanimous voice vote.

Frank Sturm reviewed the transfers of appropriation in the 2023-2024 Road District Budget.

  • Shawn made a motion to approve the transfer of funds from the Road and Bridge Fund of  $10,000 from Engineering Services, to Maint. Serve.-Bldg., Equip., Rd., Veh.

          and $500 from Capital Outlay to Postage, Publ., Training, Dues 

          and $5000 from Health Insurance to Supplies-Bldg., Rd.

          and $5000 from Engineering Services to Supplies-Bldg., Equip., Rd.

          and $5000 from Contingencies to Supplies-Bldg., Equip., Rd. 

          Luke seconded. A roll call vote was taken:  Shawn – Aye, Luke – Aye, Cindy – Aye,

          Cam – Aye, Mike – Aye. The motion was approved.

  • Shawn made a motion to approve the transfer of funds from the Road and Bridge Fund of

          $4000 from Contingencies to Supplies-Bldg., Equip., Rd.

          $1000 from Capital Outlay to Supplies-Bldg., Equip., Rd.

          $5000 from Engineering Services to Supplies-Bldg., Equip., Rd.

          $1000 from Utilities to Supplies-Bldg., Equip., Rd.

          $1000 from Debt Service Principal to Supplies-Bldg., Equip., Rd

          $10,000 from Health Insurance to Supplies-Bldg., Equip., Rd.

          $10,000 from Salaries to Supplies-Bldg., Equip., Rd.

          Cam seconded. A roll call vote was taken:  Shawn – Aye, Luke – Aye, Cindy – Aye,

          Cam – Aye, Mike – Aye. The motion was approved.

  • Shawn made a motion to approve the transfer of funds from the Permanent Road Fund of

          $10,000 from Engineering Service to Maint. Serv. Rd.

          $5000 from Equipment to Rentals

          $4000 from Misc. to Maint. Serv. Rd.

          $5000 from Equipment to Maint. Serv. Rd.

          $500 from Misc. to Debt Service Principal 

          $500 from Contingencies to Debt Service Interest

          And from the Joint Bridge Fund $7000 from Engineering Services to Culverts.

          Luke seconded. A roll call vote was taken: Shawn – Aye, Luke – Aye, Cindy – Aye,

          Cam – Aye, Mike – Aye. The motion was approved.

This is the last board meeting of the fiscal year 2023-2024. Frank is required to let the board know about any outstanding loans and an inventory of equipment. He submitted these to the board.

Shawn received a Park Agreement and Certificate of Insurance from the IVCYA. Shawn made a motion to accept the park agreement. Luke Harvey seconded. The motion was passed by a unanimous voice vote.

IDOT is requiring Frank Sturm, Road Commissioner to have a Certificate of Authority by vote to purchase road salt from the business that wins the state contract. Shawn made a motion to approve this. Cindy Greene seconded. The motion passed by a unanimous voice vote. 

Department Correspondence:

Supervisor Shawn Garner:  

  1. Investment Report:  the report ending on March 13, 2024 was previously presented to the board.
  2. There are no General Assistance cases. 
  3. There are no cases before the Plan Commission.
  4. The Thomas Trust is asking for more easements to the 5 acres of land we are trying to purchase from them for the Medina Trail. The board does not believe the extra easements are worthwhile. Shawn will let them know this is not agreeable.

Road Commissioner:  Frank Sturm

  1. Someone has been pulling our signs out of the ground and throwing them on the ground.
  2. The 3 members of the road crew and Frank have credit cards through Better Banks with a limit of $1000 each. Frank will raise this limit to $2500 each as the price of items purchased at Menards for the Road District has increased. 
  3. Inspectors recently found a damaged piling at the Staab Road bridge. IDOT has been notified and will let us know the next steps. This bridge, while in Medina Township, serves mainly residents of Hallock Township.
  4. Televising was done on storm drains in the Lake of the Woods (LOW) near the lake. The property owners of LOW do not want the run-off to drain into the lake.

Assessor:  Mark Brabant:  None

Plan Commission:   None

Trustees:  None

Township/Road District Bills:  

Mike Molohon made a motion to pay the bills of the township.  Cindy seconded.  The motion passed by a unanimous voice vote.


Mike made a motion to adjourn, and Cam seconded it. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:57 pm.

Respectfully submitted this 13h day of March 2024,

Mary Sundermeyer, Township Clerk