The Medina Township Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Purpose:  Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting

Present:  Shawn Garner, Supervisor

Cam Parr, Trustee

Mike Molohon, Trustee 

Cindy Greene, Trustee 

Luke Harvey, Trustee

Mary Sundermeyer, Clerk

Other Officials and Township Staff Present:  

Frank Sturm II, Road Commissioner

Deputy Ben Davison

Others In Attendance:  2 residents

Call To Order:  Supervisor Garner called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm

Approval of Minutes:  Clerk Sundermeyer presented the minutes from the regular board meeting held on November 8, 2023. Shawn Garner made a motion to approve the minutes. Mike Molohon seconded. The minutes were approved by a unanimous voice vote. 

Clerk Sundermeyer presented the minutes from the Township Levy meeting held on November 8, 2023.  Mike made a motion to approve the minutes. Cam Parr seconded. The minutes were approved by unanimous voice vote. 

Clerk Sundermeyer presented the minutes from the Road District Levy meeting held on November 8, 2023.  Cam made a motion to approve the minutes. Mike seconded. The minutes were approved by unanimous voice vote. 

Community Policing Report: 

Deputy Ben Davison gave the report for November 2023. There were 49 reports made involving 15 reports of crimes (5 original crimes). There were also 29 traffic stops made. Deputy Davison has received reports of cars speeding in the area of Mossville School in the morning. The police on this shift have been advised. As the weather gets colder, please watch and lock your car if you are heating it up before leaving. Also, Dunlap has a new Fire Chief, Brandon Lanier.

Public Input: None

Old Business:  None

New Business:  

Shawn presented a plaque to Frank Gerke for his years of service to the township. Frank served for many years on the Plan Commission before serving on the Board of Trustees. Thank you, Frank!

Shawn made a motion to approve ordinance #TWN-01-2023 which contains revisions to the township personnel manual. Cam seconded. The ordinance was approved by a unanimous voice vote.

Shawn made a motion to approve ordinance #RD-01-2023 which contains revisions to the road district personnel manual. Cam seconded. The ordinance was approved by a unanimous voice vote.

Shawn made a motion to spend $7000 per acre to buy 3.5 acres of land for the Medina trail from May L. Thomas. The buyer will pay closing costs and provide access rights to seller. Mike seconded. A roll call vote was taken:  Shawn – Aye, Cindy – Aye, Mike, – Aye, Luke – Aye, Cam – Aye. The motion passed.

Department Correspondence:

Supervisor Shawn Garner:  

  1. Investment Report:  the report ending on December 13 was previously presented to the board.
  2. There are no General Assistance cases. 
  3. There are no cases before the Plan Commission
  4. The payout for general assistance has been raised to $450 per month. It was $350 per month.

Road Commissioner:  Frank Sturm

  1. Leaf pick-up went well. 118 loads were collected at a cost of $57,000. Good Forest has accepted our leaves for years at no cost. They are only able to use about half of our leaves in their operation. We will be invoiced $10,000 to get rid of the leaves that Good Forest is not able to use. They grinded and hauled the leaves to Springfield. They also have leaves of ours from the last 5 years that will also need to be hauled away at a price.
  2. They are getting the trucks ready for snow removal.
  3. The tube heater in the large township garage was replaced. They also removed the fluorescent light bulbs and replaced them with LED lights. A motion detector was also added so the lights do not stay on all the time. This will save on the power costs. Many thanks to Mike Molohon for his help with this project.

Assessor:  Mark Brabant – None

Plan Commission:   None

Trustees:  None

Township/Road District Bills:  

Shawn made a motion to pay the bill from Waldinger for $11,708.97. Cindy seconded. The motion was approved by a unanimous voice vote.

Mike made a motion to pay the bills of the township. Cam seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a unanimous voice vote.


Mike made a motion to adjourn, and Cam seconded it. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:53 pm.

Respectfully submitted this 13th day of December 2023,

Mary Sundermeyer

Township Clerk