Medina Township
Annual Town Meeting
April 12, 2022
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Township Clerk, Mary Sundermeyer, who then led the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance. 12 electors attended the meeting.
Clerk Sundermeyer thanked everyone for attending the annual town meeting and introduced the supervisor, trustees and township officials who were present at the meeting. County Board member, Steve Rieker was also in attendance.
Clerk Sundermeyer then announced that the balance of the meeting is, by state statute, to be conducted by a moderator; elected for such purpose by the electorate present. Mary Sundermeyer then nominated Jeff Sundermeyer to be moderator of the meeting, seconded by Frank Gerke. There being no additional nominees, Jeff Sundermeyer was then voted to be moderator by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote.
Mary Sundermeyer then made a motion to set the salary of the moderator at $75, seconded by Mike Molohon, followed by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote.
Clerk Sundermeyer then administered the “Oath” of office to Jeff Sundermeyer. Moderator Sundermeyer then took control of the meeting.
Moderator Sundermeyer then presented the Agenda for adoption by the electorate. Shawn Garner moved to adopt the Agenda as presented, seconded by Cindy Greene, followed by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote.
Moderator Sundermeyer then called upon Clerk, Mary Sundermeyer to read the minutes of the previous Annual Town Meeting held April 11, 2021. Frank Gerke moved to accept the minutes, seconded by Barb Garner, followed by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote.
Moderator Sundermeyer then called upon Clerk Sundermeyer to present the Treasurer’s Report which included income, expenditures and remaining balances of all funds of the Town and the Road District, respectively. Mike Molohon then moved that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted as presented, seconded by Shawn Garner, followed by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote.
Old Business:
No old business to discuss
New Business:
Resolution #RES-TWN-2022-01 was presented to the electorate. This resolution authorizes $150,000 to be transferred from the General Town Fund to the newly created Township Capital Fund. Shawn Garner made to motion to adopt the resolution, seconded by Barb Garner. The motion was adopted by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote.
Resolution #RES-TWN-2022-02 was presented to the electorate. This resolution authorizes $200,000 to be transferred from the General Town Fund to the newly created Park Capital Fund. Cindy Greene made the motion to adopt the resolution, seconded by Frank Gerke. The motion passed by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote
Ordinance No. GTO-01-2022 – Establishes date and time of the 2023 Annual Town Meeting: Moderator Garner called for the passage of Ordinance No. GTO-01-2022 establishing the date and time of the 2023 Annual Town Meeting to be held April 11th, 2023 at 7:00pm. Cindy Greene moved that said ordinance be adopted, seconded by Shawn Garner, followed by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote.
Public input was offered with no request received.
There being no additional business to come before the electorate, Moderator Sundermeyer returned control of the meeting to Clerk Sundermeyer who thanked him for his service.
Clerk Sundermeyer then thanked the electorate for attending. Mike Molohon moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Frank Sturm, followed by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote. The meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted this 12h day of April 2022.
Mary Sundermeyer, Township Clerk
Jeff Sundermeyer, Moderator