The Medina Township Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
Purpose: Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting
Present: Shawn Garner, Supervisor
Mike Molohon, Trustee
Cindy Greene, Trustee
Frank Gerke, Trustee
Mary Sundermeyer, Clerk
Absent: Cam Parr, Trustee
Other Officials and Township Staff Present:
Frank Sturm II, Road Commissioner
Deputy Ben Davison, Community Police
Others In Attendance: 9 Residents
Call To Order: Supervisor Shawn Garner called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm
Approval of Minutes: Clerk Mary Sundermeyer presented the minutes from the regular board meeting held on October 12, 2022. Frank Gerke made a motion to approve the minutes. Cindy Greene seconded. The minutes were approved by a unanimous voice vote.
Community Policing Report:
Deputy Ben Davison gave the report for October. There were 73 reports made involving 24 reports of 14 original crimes. Traffic enforcement has increased in The Lanes.
Public Input: Discussion revolved around the abandoned house on Medina with alleged squatters taking over the residence. A company in Peoria is in the process of buying this property and then the current occupants will be evicted. Deputy Davison is patrolling the area more frequently and is putting added pressure on alleged illegal activities. Neighbors present stressed to the board that this run down property and the behavior of the tenants would spread to the further detriment of the neighborhood and township.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Department Correspondence:
Supervisor Shawn Garner:
- Investment Report: the report ending on November 9, 2022 was previously presented to the board.
- IVCYA performed their park clean up on 11/5/22.
- There are no are no pending General Assistance cases.
- There are no cases before the Plan Commission.
- Virginia Love with Hjerpe & Tennison has completed the audit of the township and road district as required by state statute and has attended this meeting to present her results and answer any questions.
Road Commissioner: Frank Sturm:
- Leaf vacuum routes started 10/31. Leaf fall is heavy which makes for slower progress through the route. Branches and other debris clog the intake tube, which further slows progress. Frank receives many phone calls asking when the leaf truck will be in their area. That depends on many factors. The entire route takes about two weeks to complete. Cars parked on the leaves impede the progress as do people who add bags of trash to the leaf pile. If trash is added, the mulch company will not accept our mulch.
- We have 406 tons of salt; we are able to purchase more salt at last year’s prices. Frank will do so in order to save money.
- Frank is working with our attorney to add a credit card policy to the personnel handbook.
- Frank will advertise soon to hire a new employee to replace one who is retiring at the end of the year.
- There are a couple of line items in the budget that have either exceeded the amount budgeted or are getting very close to meeting it. Frank is working with our CPA to have some journal entrees changed to address this.
- He received the preliminary plans for the next box culvert replacement on Ivy Lake Rd. If all the adjacent property owners are agreeable to the project, construction could start in 2023.
- Fairview St is the only access road to the park. Road District would like to work with the Township to make the road nicer and redo the parking lot. Both would share in the costs. This could be done at the same time the drain line is being replaced.
Assessor: Mark Brabant – No report
Plan Commission: Jim Manning – No report
Trustees: No reports
Township/Road District Bills:
All bills of the Town and Road District were reviewed and approved for payment. Mike Molohon made a motion to pay all of the bills. Cindy Greene seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a unanimous voice vote.
Mike Molohon made a motion to adjourn and Cindy Greene seconded it. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted this 9th day of November, 2022
Mary Sundermeyer, Clerk