The Medina Township Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Purpose: Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting
Present: Shawn Garner, Supervisor
Cam Parr, Trustee
Cindy Greene, Trustee
Mary Sundermeyer, Clerk
Absent: Mike Molohon, Trustee
Frank Gerke, Trustee
Other Officials and Township Staff Present:
Frank Sturm II, Road Commissioner
Mark Brabant, Assessor
Deputy Ben Davison, Community Police
Others In Attendance: 1 Resident
Call To Order: Supervisor Garner called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm
Approval of Minutes: Clerk Sundermeyer presented the minutes from the regular board meeting held on April 13, 2022. Hearing no corrections or additions, Shawn Garner made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Cam Parr seconded. As Cindy Greene was not present at the April Board meeting, and no other trustees were present at the May Board meeting, the minutes could no be approved. This vote on approving the minutes will be tabled until the June Board meeting.
Community Policing Report:
Deputy Ben Davison gave the report for April. Things are getting busier as the weather warms up. There were several warrant arrests, some thefts of catalytic converters from cars, some domestic issues and evictions will be starting at Pinewood Apartments since the COVID related moratorium on evections is ending.
Public Input: Bill Stoops wanted to let the board know about the terrible road conditions on River Beach Road. Bill walks this road everyday and states that the road is more pothole than roadbed now. He sent pictures and a video to Frank Sturm for documentation. Frank reports that this road has been underwater at times, which contributes to the poor condition of the road. This section of road is on the list of projects that are planned for this year and next year. The road will be tilled, compacted and sealed this year with another seal coating added the following year. Repairing roads has become very expensive and the road district will complete the repairs in 2 years in order to be able to pay for the project. It is difficult to raise roads in the floodplain as the County Regulations are stringent and do not allow any fill dirt to be added in a flood plain.
Old Business: None
New Business:
Park Agreement: Brad Wallin Memorial Tournament has signed a Park Agreement for June 1-5. They have not yet submitted the required Certificate of Insurance (COI). Shawn Garner made a motion to accept the Park Agreement contingent upon receiving the COI by May 27. Cam Parr seconded. The motion was approved unanimously.
Department Correspondence:
Supervisor Garner:
- Investment Report: the report ending on May 11, 2022 was previously presented to the board.
- Shawn cancelled the equipment order from Precision AG Visions for the ABI Force z23s.
- General Assistance will be increased from $325 per month to $350 per month starting June 1. We have one person on this general assistance program.
- Shawn is getting many calls regarding Waste and Recycling costs now that GFL has taken over. Shawn has talked to other townships that are also hearing this complaint from their citizens. The township does not contract for these services; it is left to the individual. The townships could create a contract for single-family residences in unincorporated areas of the township areas only. The Assessor would have to prepare a list of eligible properties that would be billed for any contracted services. A fee would be added to the tax bill with the fees dispersed to the township as a separate line on the county settlement sheet. The township board would approve a referendum to be added to the ballot and approved by the voters. If passed, those townships would work to get a Request for Proposal to determine service cost and level. The township boards would have to approve same. This is at an informational stage and may not be any more cost effective than the current system.
- The Town Budget for 2022-23 is available for review at the township office. The Supervisor’s Statement of Financial Affairs is attached to the budget. The Annual Treasurer’s Report is also available for review at the township office.
- The Audit Engagement letter with Hjerpe & Tennison has been assigned. Virginia Love will conduct the audit and may question the board members as to processes.
Road Commissioner: Frank Sturm:
- The road district has been working on potholes. The material is available but it is expensive. They have finished Wonderview Dr. and are working on other areas of Lake of the Woods and other neighborhoods. The crew is driving down every street and filling every pothole they find. This will take several more weeks of work.
- They are also starting to get more calls for culvert replacement.
- Frank plans to have Hoerr Construction do some televising and investigation work on the drains on Fairview and in the park. He is unsure how well the drain is working and a new pipe might be needed.
- The Governor did sign legislation that raises the bidding threshold from $20,000 to $30,000. This applies to the Township only, and not to the Road District.
- Frank submitted a budget for 2022-23 and it is available for review by the public at the Township Office.
- Frank received an email from Frontier inquiring about the balance due. This balance is from last year April – September when the road office received no service. Frontier has been made aware of this many times. Frank has been working with them on this issue for over a year.
Assessor: Mark Brabant
The multiplier for next year’s property taxes is estimated to be 1.05.
Plan Commission: Jim Manning – No cases
Trustees: No report
Township/Road District Bills:
- Shawn made a motion to pay the bill for Harry Miller, Jr. in the amount of $7860. Cindy seconded. A roll call vote was taken: Shawn – Aye, Cindy – Aye, Cam – Aye. The motion passes.
- Cam made a motion to pay the Health Insurance from CMS for April/May in the amount of $4884; Cindy seconded. A roll call vote was taken: Shawn – Aye, Cindy – Aye, Cam – Aye. The motion passes.
- All bills of the Town and Road District were reviewed and approved for payment. Shawn Garner made a motion to pay the bills. Cindy Greene seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a unanimous voice vote.
Cindy Greene made the motion to adjourn and Cam Parr seconded it. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted this 11th day of May, 2022
Mary Sundermeyer, Clerk