The Board of Trustees Meeting
Medina Township Office
10628 N. Galena Road, Mossville, IL
October 13, 2021
Purpose: Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting
Present: Shawn Garner, Supervisor
Mike Molohon, Trustee
Cindy Greene, Trustee
Cam Parr, Trustee
Mary Sundermeyer, Clerk
Absent: Frank Gerke, Trustee
Other Officials and Township Staff Present: Frank Sturm II, Road Commissioner
Others In Attendance: 2 residents, Deputy Ben Davison, Virginia Love from Hjerpe &
Call To Order: Supervisor Garner called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
Clerk Sundermeyer presented the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held September 8,
2021. Trustee Parr moved to approve the minutes as presented. Trustee Molohon seconded this
motion. The motion was passed by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote.
Community Policing Report:
Deputy Ben Davison gave the report for the month of September. He reported that there were 78
reports made during the month of September.
Public Input:
Clerk Sundermeyer received a request for public input from the Dunbars regarding 3 dead trees
on Township property next to their lot. The Dunbars mow this property. Supervisor Garner will
address this situation.
Old Business
Medina Office Exterior Door Replacement: Supervisor Garner advised that the front and rear
doors were painted dress blue.
Virginia Love from Hjerpe & Tennison gave us a review of the annual audit for the fiscal year
ending on March 31, 2021. The audit will be on file for review at the Township Office during
regular business hours.
New Business
RK Dixon has presented a proposal for new copier/printer agreement, They will pay off the
remainder of the current lease which runs until February of 2022, provide a cheaper per copy
rate, and they have local service. Trustee Parr asked about the term of the contract, Supervisor
Garner will get that information. Supervisor Garner made a motion to switch the copier/printer
services to RX Dixon. Trustee Molohon seconded. A roll call vote was taken: Supervisor
Garner, aye; Trustee Molohon, aye; Trustee Greene, aye; Trustee Parr, Aye. The motion passes.
Department Reports
Supervisor Garner:
1. Investment Report: The Investment Report ending on October 13th, 2021 was previously
presented to the board.
2. Sexual Harassment Training: needs to be completed and given to the Clerk.
3. National Opioid Settlement Letter: presented to the board for review. This will be
addressed at the November board meeting.
4. Community Needs Agency: Sent a thank you note for the $500 donation we sent them
for the school supply program.
5. General Assistance: Will be administered per the Township Supervisors of Illinois
General Assistance Handbook 2017. We will set the GA Flat Grant amount at $325 per
month with $50 per additional person. The asset disregard to determine financial
eligibility will be increased to $600. The income disregard will not change. We currently
do not have any active GA cases. We do have this in the budget and do not have an
Emergency Assistance Fund.
6. Quickbooks Workforce: Mary and Brian still need to sign up to receive online pay
Road Commissioner, Frank Sturm, II:
1. The new truck has arrived. The 2018 truck is still months away from being delivered.
2. UCM completed overlay work.
3. Frontier is still charging us for the 6 month when we had no service. Frank will work
with them to resolve this.
4. Potholes are still being repaired. The leaf pick-up trucks will soon be prepared. Pick-up
will start around November 1.
5. IDOT received bids for salt for the winter. They were all too high and were rejected. A
rebid is scheduled and is also expected to be high.
6. Mossville Rd will be closed from Robinson Ct to Indian Hills due to water main work. It
is expected to take 4-8 weeks.
7. IDOT will be closing the overpass on Mossville Rd over Rt 6 for bridge repairs next year.
Details will be forthcoming.
Assessor, Mark Brabant: Sent a report that the Board of Review has closed for the year so
there will not be any value changes until the books open next year. The Board of Review has
received significantly fewer complaints than in previous years. That is due, in part, to the current
housing market and homes that sell at or above the listing price.
Trustee Parr: Has heard from Roger Lakin, of Lake of the Woods subdivision about his yard
erosion issue.
Trustee Molohon: Has brought information from ABI Force for possible equipment to be
purchased to aid in the upkeep of the park and ball fields.
Township/Road District Bills Audited: All bills of the Town and the Road District were
approved for payment. Trustee Molohon moved to pay the bills, seconded by Trustee Greene
followed by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote.
Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the board, Trustee Molohon
moved to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Parr, followed by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote. The
meeting adjourned at 7:32 PM.
Respectfully submitted this 13th day of October 2021.
Mary Sundermeyer