The Board of Trustees met at the Medina Township Office
located at 10628 N. Galena Road, Mossville, Illinois on May 8th, 2019
Purpose: Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting
Present: John H. Dawson, Supervisor
Shawn E. Garner, Clerk
Mike Molohon, Trustee
Adam Gudat, Trustee
Cam Parr, Trustee
Richard Clinch, Trustee
Other Officials and Township Staff Present: Frank Sturm II, Road Commissioner – Mark Brabant, Assessor
Others In Attendance: 2 residents.
Call To Order: Supervisor Dawson followed by pledge of allegiance to the flag called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
Clerk, Garner, presented the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held April 10th, 2019. Trustee Parr moved to approve, as presented, seconded by Trustee Molohon; followed by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote.
Community Policing Report:
Deputy Lauber reported that several weeks ago a rash of motor vehicle burglaries in Chillicothe and Medina. Vehicles were not locked. Dollar General in Lake of Woods sustained a burglary during normal operations. Suspect was arrested. Have not received notice of looting relating to flooding conditions.
Public Input:
Supervisor Dawson recognized John Salch resides on Riverview. He advised large trees with flood waters are a problem. He commended road district for their work.
Correspondence & Reports
Supervisor, John Dawson:
Investment Report: The Investment Report ending on May 8th, 2019 was accepted as presented by the board.
Supervisor Dawson advised that parts are missing from the left gate of park entrance. Property is secured but gate will have to be replaced.
Flooding remains an issue. MMYBSA requested that park be re-opened when water recedes. Supervisor Dawson does not intend to re-open park until park is dry and will not sustain damage to parking lot.
Park agreement for Brad Wallin Memorial Tournament. Motion by Trustee Clinch to approve park agreement subject to revised COI, seconded by Supervisor Dawson: followed by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote.
Supervisor Dawson reviewed Township Budget with board. Heath Reimbursement Arrangement as compared to Health Insurance was reviewed and discussed.
Road Commissioner, Frank Sturm, II:
Spring leaf pick-up was scheduled to start April 29th, but due to rain, we started 05/03/19. It was completed today.
We have several roads closed in the Lanes, due to flooding. On a side note, Area Disposal refused to pick-up trash on several roads. They said we didn’t have “Local Traffic Only” signs on the barricades, so they wouldn’t go around barricades. Will clean up after water recedes.
We will have sand and bags behind salt dome and have delivered sand/bags to several residents. Peoria County has been included in the declared disaster area, so we will keep track of all flooding related expenses.
Completed pothole repairs. Used almost 80 tons of QPR patching material.
Started looking at a new leaf vac. We prefer them with direct drive, but they are only producing units that are belt driven. Key Equipment is researching this for us.
Still waiting on Porter Brothers to re-till Ivy Lake Road.
Redman Accounting Solutions is reviewing the road district budget for 2019-2020. It needs to be on display by 05/13/19.
Assessor, Mark Brabant:
Tax bills were mailed, and calls are being received.
Plan Commission, Chairperson Manning:
Jim Manning submitted report on Peoria County Zoning Case 021-19-U.
Trustee Clinch asked status of hydrant at park in Colony Point. Supervisor advised that no further action has been taken as no follow-up was made by Colony Point. Road Commissioner advised that sweeping of streets will be next week in Colony Point and Georgetown. Responding to Trustee Clinch, Road Commissioner advised that resident will need highway permit to run line which replaces existing line under township roadway. Trustee Parr asked if TORMA issued dividend check. Supervisor Dawson did not recall amount but will find out. Trustee Clinch advised that no parking sign at German American Society was damaged by vandals.
Old Business
New Business
Vote on confirmation of Jim Manning to Township Plan Commission: After discussion, Trustee Clinch made motion to appoint Jim Manning as board member on Planning Commission, seconded by Trustee Gudat, followed by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote.
Changes to Prompt Payment Resolution: Trustee Clinch made motion to add VISA to Appendix A of Resolution # RES-TWN-2018-01, seconded by Trustee Parr, followed by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote.
Supervisor’s Annual Financial Report: Supervisor Dawson recognized Road Commissioner. Resident has approached Road District for his grandson to farm road district property for FFA project. Road Commissioner has reviewed manner with township counsel. The youth is also farming adjacent land owned by Peoria Park District. Board did not raise any issues. Road Commissioner will secure certificate of insurance. No fee will be charged as youth will maintain property
Pay Township Bills
Township/Road District Bills Audited: All bills of the Town and the Road District were approved for payment. Trustee Molohon moved to pay the bills, seconded by Trustee Gudat followed by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote.
Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the board, Trustee Molohon moved to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Clinch, followed by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote. The meeting adjourned at 8:04 PM.
Respectfully submitted this 8th day of May, 2019
Shawn E. Garner, Clerk